Repeats and referrals dominate in the remodeling industry
Jonathan Sweet, Senior EditorApril 1, 2009
Professional Remodeler
Repeats and referrals continue to be the most reliable source of leads for most contractors, accounting for almost 80 percent of lead activity.
Remodelers use a variety of tactics to get the word out, with the most popular being job/truck signs (74 percent), company Web site (58 percent), organization membership/networking (48 percent), print advertising (48 percent), direct mail (39 percent) and Yellow Pages (35 percent).
Conversely, this means that many remodelers are ignoring two of the basics of marketing: 24 percent of companies don't use job site or truck signage and 42 percent don't have Web sites, including 21 percent of those with revenues over $3 million.